Ready to See Just How Good Life Can Get

Discover the 8 Simple Science-Backed Steps I’ve Used To Help Thousands of Women Reduce Stress and Multiply Joy in Just a Few Minutes Per Day.

Get The Joy Spiral Playbook Today for just $4.99, and I’ll Show You the Exact Steps, Tools, and Strategies to Program Your Brain to Find Joy in Even the Smallest Day-to-Day Events… So You Can Easily Navigate Whatever Life Throws As You.




I’m Giving You Everything You Need To Flip On the “Joy Lightswitch” In Your Brain and Life. 

The Joy Spiral Playbook was carefully written to take you on a life-changing journey of personal growth and development…

…to transform your life and allow you to access exponential joy.

When you get your copy of the book today, you’ll get an all-access pass to explore the PROVEN FRAMEWORK I’ve used to help 1000s of women reduce stress and create limitless joy

PLUS… I’ll show you loads of fun and engaging activities that can help you integrate what you’re learning into your everyday life and the small changes you can make to literally train your mind to process the world with more positivity, joy, and wonder. 

Not only will these strategies change your life, but they can also change the world around you. When you join me on this journey of joy, you’ll learn the secrets to: 

  • Unleashing your best qualities to the world. 

  • Creating a massive positive ripple effect in your life. 

  • Building a higher level of respect, connection, and joy with the people you cherish.

  • Creating true resilience to handle all of life’s ups and downs.

The Joy Spiral Playbook has radically transformed my life and the lives of countless clients from every walk of life, every age, and many backgrounds.

Are You Ready To Tap Into Your True Potential For Joy and Happiness, Too? 

Abundant Joy and Happiness Can Be

Your New Normal.

It’s possible. Let me show you how.

The Joy Spiral Playbook serves as your gentle guide, leading you step-by-step to rewire your neural pathways, effortlessly unveiling joy within even the smallest of everyday moments.

Inside The Joy Spiral Playbook, you can define your path to:

  • Using your innate power to elevate your relationships, health, and vitality.

  • Transcending stress, overwhelm, and self-doubt, welcoming their positive alternatives.

  • Embracing life's messiness with trust and graceful ease.

  • Harnessing joy to deepen connections, alleviate stress, and nurture the soul.

  • Cultivating daily doses of love, joy, playfulness, inner strength, and spiritual confidence.

  • Engaging in a harmonious dance with emotions like happiness, peace, love, gratitude, and joy.

…And so much more

Are you ready for happiness and joy to be your new normal?

Hi! I'm Ellie Bassick-Trovato, M.Ed – your guide to empowerment, and a seeker of peace, love, and joy.

Since 2005, I’ve been coaching, writing, and speaking, helping countless women like you discover their inner strength and grace.

Ever feel trapped by thoughts like "Am I enough?" or "Why can't I do better?" I've been there. I've heard the whispers of doubt and felt the pull of responsibilities. But guess what? You're not alone, and when you seek help, you're not asking for too much.

Your desire for more is your Higher Self reminding you of the potential within – a potential that's ready to burst forth. You can have a richer life without diminishing the love you share.

Imagine embracing the radiant woman within – wise, connected, and powerful. 

You've sensed her, maybe even glimpsed her… 

But now it's time to embody her fully.

Together, we'll dissolve self-doubt and dance with joy. 

You'll discover that shining bright doesn't dim anyone else's light.

Let's awaken your potential and experience the fullness of life – the life you're meant to live. Are you ready?

Unlock the 8 Proven Keys to Less Stress and More Joy.

Break Free From The Mundane and Embrace a Future Overflowing With Boundless Potential.  

Imagine confidently building a life filled with ease, joy, and boundless light – a life where your age, past, or surroundings hold no sway over your true calling.

If your heart is saying "yes," The Joy Spiral Playbook is for you.

This transformative book is your 8-step guide to unleashing the extraordinary power of the radiant, capable, and loving woman that lives inside of you. 

Journey with me as I unveil the secrets to reigniting your joyful excitement through a groundbreaking fusion of science, mind, heart, and body. It's time to embark on a spiritual journey that awakens your true potential.

Let Me Show You How To Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Step Into Your Life as a Connected and Resilient Woman.

Here’s the thing, no one lies awake at night and thinks…

  • I wish I had less joy in my life. 

  • I’m so glad I’m stuck in this rut.

  • I like feeling disconnected from the people I love. 

But this is the sad reality for so many women. 

Here’s why: 

Women everywhere let fear and negative self-talk dictate their lives and keep them stuck.  One of the biggest things I’ve found when working with these women is that they often feel stuck in self-defeating thoughts like:

“My life is pretty darn good…who am I to ask for more?”

But here is the truth…

Wanting more for yourself isn’t a sign of ungratefulness, greed, or failure…

The feeling that you WANT MORE from life is just a nudge from your Higher Self. A reminder that there’s untapped potential inside you, ready to be unleashed.

Don’t let your infinite potential go to waste.  Tap into your higher vibrations, and experience endless joy and fulfillment.  The Joy Spiral Playbook will be your guide to letting your higher self take control.

Inside The Joy Spiral Playbook,

You’ll Discover…

  • Simple (and fun!) tools to help you understand your brain and how to make it work FOR you instead of against you. (I regularly hear, “Ellie, please teach this in schools! My life would have been so different if I had known this sooner!”)

  • My “Joy Spiral” framework, with the 8 keys to unlocking the deep and expansive joy available inside each of us.

  • The neuroscience behind taking care of yourself when you need a “reset” and programming your mind to experience the thoughts and emotions you WANT in your life.

  • How to spend just 15-30 minutes a day in “Joy Mind Training” to train your mind to experience more love, joy, playfulness, strength, and confidence inside of yourself and in the world around you.

  • The secret to “up-leveling” to your Higher Self way more often, even amid life’s messiness (not through guilt or blame, but deep self-love), and using your gifts to empower those around you to flourish and grow as well.

  • How to tame that inner mean girl, have way more fun, and cultivate more resilience for life’s inevitable challenges.

  • A proven path to help you deepen connections and relationships, make more happy memories, and create a legacy of happiness and peace.

The Joy Spiral Playbook is for the woman (or anyone, for that matter…) who wants to catapult her emotional life forward and replace the draining moments of stress and worry in her life with reliable feelings of calm, confidence, and trust.

Harness the Force of The Joy Spiral’s Potent “Joy Activators” In as Little as 15 Minutes Per Day.

Here’s a Powerful Truth – the journey to transformation doesn’t mean hours of monotonous repetition. 

By practicing the "Joy Mind Training" I’m giving you in The Joy Spiral Playbook for just 15-30 minutes per day, you can unlock the ability to perceive the world through the lens of your choosing – one that radiates joy and magnifies your potential to embody love and light in the world.

Even during life's most chaotic moments, this book equips you with the tools to navigate them gracefully and swiftly return to your desired course.

Immerse yourself in your new reality where art, play, and science converge, unveiling the coveted 8 Keys of The Joy Spiral. Prepare to witness a new level of joy awakening within you.

Remember – your age holds no sway over your capacity to shine.

It's a truth I stand by: 

You are never "too old" or "too young" to unleash your brilliance.

Remember, within each of us lives a remarkable and radiant spirit – a truth many often overlook, forget, or have yet to tap into fully. 

Whatever stage of life you’re in, if you're like many of the women I’ve worked with, you know you have much more to be, experience, and give.

Imagine having the tools to tap into your Higher Self to guide your every step throughout the day. 

Are you ready to take that transformative leap? 

This Book is The Springboard For Your Evolution. Ask Yourself: Am I Ready to See Just How Good My Life Can Get?

Get your copy of The Joy Spiral Playbook today. Inside, I reveal the process I use to help women embrace a new, empowered way of experiencing their lives so that they can create a ripple effect of impact on their family, their community, and their wider world.

You deserve to feel lit up and confident, have fun, and feel at ease in your own skin.

Ultimately, you deserve to feel like you’re living a life of meaning that makes the world a better place.

Together, we can make that happen.

What Others Have Said About

The Joy Spiral Playbook

“My life gets better every single day.”

Learning what you taught was like taking a deep dive into turquoise water and emerging next to a tropical island. The gray glasses had been removed and I was being infused with possibility. I was becoming more and more of my true self. My life gets better every single day. There are still days that I don’t like myself or where I’m at in life, but I have the tools, and I know what to do so I am never stuck for long. My life would have been very different if I hadn’t met you and learned what you teach.”


“I feel far more inner peace and joy.”

“What I’ve learned has impacted SO many areas of my life. I have found FUN in my life, improved my relationship with myself, my family, and my friends. I am more compassionate, patient, and kind in the moment. I more consistently meet situations with an open heart, mind, and spirit while enjoying new people and experiences. I feel far more inner peace and joy.


“I’m so grateful for learning to notice and celebrate moments like these and make them a joyful priority!”

“I was neither happy nor healthy -- mentally, physically, or spiritually. I was terrified...I was lost in a fog of uncertainty and self-doubt. Ellie and her teachings have been a guiding light and a beacon of hope for me, providing safe harbor and a solid foundation from which to find my purpose and be the light I came here to be. I’m so grateful for learning to notice and celebrate moments like these and make them a joyful priority!”

– JEN COOK, 50’s

“This has helped me in all my relationships so much.”

“I now have this awareness of how my brain works, and I no longer get so easily frustrated with myself when I say or do something I regret. This has helped me in all my relationships so much. I know I have a brain that reacts very fast when I am in a conflict with someone, and now I have the tools that Ellie taught me to handle that differently. I also found my own spiritual path through working with Ellie. I now have meditation, prayers, reading from a spiritual book, and journaling as part of my daily practices. I now know how to look for joy, how to give joy to other people, and how to find the joy inside me.”


Note: Some client names have been changed to protect anonymity.

More of What’s Inside of The Joy Spiral Playbook:

  • What “Inside Out Joy” is and how to use it to find joy in things most people just don’t see…

  • How to solidify the practice of creating “Inside Out Joy” every single day, even if you’re busy…

  • The surprising revelation about how our brain deals with stress and stressors, based on years of scientific research…

  • The revolutionary truth that you can actually program your brain to experience the thoughts and emotions you want to have. See Chapter 6 for more details!

  • The fun of keeping a “Joy Journal” – plus a playful way to make journaling easy (even if you’ve tried journaling before and you swear it doesn’t work for you)!

  • The interesting lesson that a car horn can teach you about your reaction to emotions (and how others react to your emotions as well)!

  • What are the 4 Stages of Mastery, and how to use them to learn any new skill (regardless of age)...

  • The radical concept that changed everything for me (and later for my clients). See the beginning of Chapter 4 for this one!

  • A simple thought experiment called The House of Love and how you can use it to actually train your brain to choose love over fear…

  • Discover the ABCs of Joy so you can actually train your brain for more joy in your everyday experiences…

  • How to “Count Your Ripples” so you can create an impact that touches a wider world than just your own- while creating positive ripples in those around you…

  • The key to experiencing bountiful gratitude even when it feels like life is bumpy as heck…

  • Discover the “toolkit” to build an emotional life that fuels you with vitality, energy, confidence, and peace- even during life’s tough moments…

  • See how my client, Karin, managed to master her emotions and gain the confidence to confront conflict (rather than avoid it) whenever it raises its ugly head…

  • How to turn 15-30 minutes of “Joy Mind Training” per day into all you need to confidently and happily embrace all of life’s opportunities and challenges with both hands…

  • 5 “tricks” your ego plays on you as you navigate change and how to notice when this is happening so you can overcome these destructive feelings…

  • The ONE thing that my most successful clients have in common… (and I bet you already have this trait lurking somewhere inside of you too)!

  • The truth about dealing with complex emotions that I wished I’d learned years ago…

  • After 16+ years of doing this stuff… the 3 challenges I’ve discovered that always come up in this process - and how to pre-empt them before they even have a chance to manifest. (See Chapter 3)...

  • What the “Joy Spiral” actually is and how to work your way through each of its 8 levels…

  • Discover if your brain is trained in fear-based language and the simple way to train it to think in terms of love, power, and confidence instead…

  • The Light I Am Meditation: A simple meditation to ground your mind during times of uncertainty…

  • The secret to using Joy Activators is to find joy (however small) in every single moment of your day.

…And so much more!

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